Digest Week 4 Hilary Term 2021

HT21, Week 4 (7th - 13th February)

If you have entries for the weekly Digest, please send information to admin@philosophy.ox.ac.uk by midday, Wednesday the week before the event. 

Unless otherwise stated, all events will take place online.

Notices - other Philosophy events, including those taking place elsewhere in the university and beyond

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Oxford Net Zero Series: Climate in the Balance | 13:00 - 14:00 | Online

Title: Sensitive intervention points for Net Zero
Speakers: Prof Cameron Hepburn & Dr Steve Smith in conversation
To register and watch live: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/sensitive-intervention-points. To watch at a later date: https://youtu.be/WuIRolj_T14
More information here.


Mesopotamian and Egyptian Cosmogonies Reading Group | 15:00 - 16:30pm | Online
The Babylonian Creation Myth, chaired by Dr. Bernardo Ballesteros Petrella (Oxford). Sign up here to receive Zoom details and bibliography. This reading group has been organised by Philiminality and Early Text Cultures.


Faraday Institute Research Seminars | 13:00 - 14:00 | Online via Zoom

Prof. Robert Koons (Texas): How the Quantum Revolution Vindicates Aristotle's Metaphysics

The seminars will be held as Zoom Webinars and are free to attend.  All are welcome.  

More information can be found at faraday.institute/seminars  


MEC Webinar Series | 17:00 | Online

Title:The Arab and the Jewish Questions: Geographies of Engagement in Palestine and Beyond 

Speakers: Bashir Bashir (Open University of Israel), Leila Farsakh (University of Massachusetts Boston), Amal Ghazal (Simon Fraser University), Brian Klug (University of Oxford), Hadeel Abu Hussein (University of Oxford) 

The seminar will be held on Zoom. If you are interested, please join here.

Theaetetus Reading Group | 15:00 - 17:00 | Online  

Anyone who would like to join can email Dimosthenis Patramanis or Hermann Koerner and we can send out a Teams link. We will pick up at 193e6.

South Asian Philosophy discussion group | 11:00 | Online

Title: Sri Ramakrishna and the Harmony of Religions

Speaker: Swami Medhananda (Prof Ayon Maharaj)

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86071211077?pwd=RmMxSFp2aldXRTBGNTZ6UFFkN0swdz09 

Meeting ID: 860 7121 1077 | Passcode: 328331


Aquinas Seminar Series | 16:30 - 18:00 | Online via Zoom; free registration required

Tittle: Learning failures and scholarly vices

Speaker: Prof Andrea Aldo Robiglio (K U Leuven) 

Register here.


Online Series: Building back better - lessons and opportunities from the COVID-19 pandemic | 17:00 - 18:00

Title: The challenge of anti-microbial resistance
Speakers: Dame Sally Davies & Prof Chris Dye in conversation
To register and watch live: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/anti-microbial-resistance
To watch at a later date: https://youtu.be/u9WEqq_9Pm0


Theories of (Non) Violent Revolutions: Feminist Futures: Looking Forward | 17:00 - 18:30 | Online via Zoom

The Zoom link for the event: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83134593491?pwd=VlJudDg5Sk1MM2NNRUxWajBjeG9zQT09 
Meeting ID: 831 3459 3491 | Passcode: 705335

Facebook Link

Philosophy Practical, Political, and Ethical lecture series | 16:00-18:00 | Online

Title: The Snares of Self-Hatred

Speaker: Vida Yao (Rice University)

Please register for each talk on the IP’s events page here (registration is required). And please feel encouraged to participate in a way that your living, caretaking, and Zoom fatigue situation allows.