DPhil Placement Record
Please note: This page provides information only about those who have studied for the DPhil in Philosophy. Many of the students who completed their doctoral studies at other universities after first completing the BPhil in Philosophy, the MSt in Ancient Philosophy and the MSt in Philosophy of Physics have also obtained academic positions. For information on what graduates of these courses have gone on to do, please see the relevant alumni page:
- BPhil Alumni Information page
- MSt in Ancient Philosophy Alumni Information page
- MSt in Philosophy of Physics Alumni information page.
The Placement Record is set up to show appointments made in any given academic year (irrespective of whether the job started in that year or later). Note also that the first appearance of a student in the placement record does not necessarily coincide with the year they graduated. The student’s graduation date (i.e. the year during which they received Leave to Supplicate for the degree of DPhil in Philosophy) is identified in brackets after the student’s name and before their Areas of Specialisation (AOS). In line with UK government legislation (GDPR), the placement record only includes placement details of students/alumni from whom we have received written permission to publish their placements.
If you are a current or former DPhil in Philosophy student and have a new job you'd like to share with us for publication, please submit the details via our DPhil in Philosophy Placement Record Form, or email the information to placement@philosophy.ox.ac.uk.
Andrea Buongiorno (March 2024; AOS: Ancient Philosophy): Stipendiary Lecturer in Philosophy, Christ Church, University of Oxford (October 2023-September 2024)
Lea Cantor (July 2023; AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Chinese Philosophy, Comparative Philosophy, Historiography of Philosophy): Lecturer in History of Philosophy, University of Sheffield (from September 2025)
Jason Carter (July 2015; AOS: Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy; Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind; Normative Ethics): Lecturer in Philosophy, University of St Andrews (from September 2024)
Joseph Chapa (June 2020; AOS: Moral Philosophy, just war theory, ethics of emerging military technology): Military Instructor, Marine Corps University (from May 2024)
Guus Eelink (February 2020; AOS: Ancient Philosophy): Researcher in the European Research Council Project "Text and Idea of Aristotle's Science of Living Things", University of Tübingen, Germany (April 2024-July 2025)
Alice Evatt (February 2024; AOS: Climate Policy and Climate Ethics): Research Fellow on Net Zero for the Fossil Fuel Sector, Kellogg College, University of Oxford (November 2023-November 2024)
Peter Fritz (July 2015; AOS: Logic, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language): Associate Professor in Philosophy and Computer and Science, University College London (from September 2024)
Carl Hildebrand (January 2018; AOS: Ethics, Kant): Assistant Professor, University of Hong Kong (from February 2024)
Ela Leshem (April 2018; AOS: Legal Philosophy): Associate Professor, Fordham University, United States (from September 2024)
Chong-Ming Lim (May 2020; AOS: Moral and Political Philosophy): Lecturer in Political Philosophy, University of Sheffield (from September 2025)
Natasha Oughton (July 2023; AOS: Philosophy of Physics, Responsible Innovation, Technology Ethics): Quantum Computing Policy and Ethics Lead, National Quantum Computing Centre (from January 2024)
Benjamin Lange (Feb 2022; AOS: Normative Ethics, AI Ethics, Technology Ethics, Business Ethics): Junior Research Group Lead in the Ethics of AI, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (from September 2023)
Johannes Fankhauser (June 2023; AOS: Foundations and Philosophy of Physics): Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Innsbruck (March 2023-March 2025)
Johan Bozenhard (April 2023; AOS: Philosophy of Technology, Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Mind): Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for Ethics in Technology, Hamburg University of Technology (from August 2023)
Maximilian Kiener (January 2020) Tenure-Track Professor of Philosophy and Ethics in Technology, Institute for Ethics in Technology, Hamburg University of Technology (from May 2023)
James Openshaw (August 2018; AOS: Philosophy of Mind): Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (from Aug 2024)
Åsne Grøgaard (December 2023; AOS: History of Philosophy, Early Modern Metaphysics, Philosophy of Religion): Senior Lecturer, University of Oslo (January 2024-December 2024)
Farbod Akhlaghi (January 2022; AOS: Ethics, (Meta-)Metaphysics): Assistant Professor in Moral Philosophy, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland (from August 2024)
Jonas Bozenhard (April 2023; AOS: Philosophy of Technology, Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Mind): Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute for Ethics in Technology, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany (October 2023-September 2027)
Lea Cantor (July 2023; AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Chinese Philosophy, Comparative Philosophy, Historiography of Philosophy): Research Fellowship at Peterhouse College, University of Cambridge (October 2023-October 2026)
Nicholas Clanchy (October 2023; AOS: Feminist Philosophy, Social Epistemology): Postdoctoral Researcher, Canada Research Chair on Epistemic Injustice and Agency, University of Québec at Montréal, Canada (October 2023-October 2025)
Johannes Fankhauser (June 2023; AOS: Philosophy of Physics): Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Innsbruck, Austria (March 2023-March 2025)
Caspar Jacobs (January 2022; AOS: Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy of Science, Metaphysics): University Lecturer, Institute of Philosophy, University of Leiden, Netherlands (from September 2023)
Maximilian Kiener (January 2020; AOS: Moral Philosophy, Philosophy of Law, Practical Ethics, Ethics of Artificial Intelligence): Tenure-Track Professor of Philosophy and Ethics in Technology, Head of Institute for Ethics in Technology, Hamburg University of Technology (from May 2023)
Nikolas Kirby (May 2016; AOS: Political Philosophy, Moral Philosophy): Lecturer in Politics and International Relations, University of Glasgow (from July 2023)
Maya Krishnan (September 2022; AOS: Kant and Epistemology): Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Chicago, United States (from September 2024)
Benjamin Lange (February 2022; AOS: Normative Ethics, AI Ethics, Technology Ethics, Business Ethics): Junior Research Group Lead in the Ethics of AI, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany (from September 2023)
Chiara Martini (AOS Ancient Philosophy): Early-Career Research Fellow, Corpus Christi College, University of Cambridge (October 2023-August 2027)
Nuno Mendes da Silva Maia (December 2023; AOS: Philosophy of Mathematics): Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Salzburg, Austria (November 2023-November 2024)
Gary O'Brien (November 2023; AOS: Applied Ethics, Animal Ethics, Normative Ethics): Research Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, and Fellow, Hong Kong Catastrophic Risk Centre (August 2023-August 2025)
Fabian Pregel (November 2023; AOS: Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics, History of Analytic Philosophy): Career http://elliott-thornley.comDevelopment Fellow, Christ Church, University of Oxford (April 2023-April2026)
Elliott Thornley (November 2022; AOS: Normative Ethics and Decision Theory): Postdoctoral Research, Global Priorities Institute, University of Oxford (September 2023-September 2027)
Caspar Andreas Jacobs (January 2022; AOS: Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy of Science, Metaphysics): University Lecturer, Leiden University, (from August 2023)
Harry Alanen (November 2022; AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Philosophy of Action): Awarded Philosophical Fellowship Fund Postdoctoral Award 2022-23
Harry Alanen (November 2022; AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Philosophy of Action): Awarded Alfred Kordelin Postdoctoral grant 2023-24
Harry Alanen (November 2022; AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Philosophy of Action): Visiting Scholar University of Pittsburgh (from August 2023 to July 2024)
Emmanuel Ordonez Angulo (July 2022; AOS: Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind): Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, Rutgers University, United States (from September 2022)
Caterina Ludovica Baldini (September 2021; AOS: Ancient Philosophy): Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Philosophy, Peking University, China (September 2022-September 2024)
Sam Clarke (June 2019; AOS: Philosophy of Mind, Psychology and Cognitive Science): Assistant Professor, The University of Southern California, United States (from July 2023)
Nathan Cofnas (May 2021; AOS: Philosophy of Biology and Ethics): Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Cambridge (September 2022-September 2025)
Maciej Czerkawski (February 2020; AOS: Post-Kantian Philosophy, Ancient Philosophy, Metaphysics): Lecturer in Philosophy and General Education at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China (August 2022-July 2025)
Luke Davies (January 2019; AOS: Kant, Political Philosophy): Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford (September 2022-September 2025)
Steven DeLay (May 2017; AOS: Phenomenology): Research Fellow, Global Centre for Advanced Studies College Dublin (from April 2022)
Emma Dore-Horgan (January 2022; AOS: Moral and Legal Philosophy): Postdoctoral Researcher in the Ethics of Neurotechnology in Criminal Justice, Department of Philosophy, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands (2022-2025)
Guus Eelink (February 2020; AOS: Ancient Philosophy): Weizsäcker Fellow, Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker Center, University of Tübingen, Germany (April 2022-March 2024)
Alexandre Erler (May 2013; AOS: Moral Philosophy, Applied Ethics): Associate Professor, Institute of Philosophy of Mind & Cognition, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (from February 2022)
Tomi Francis (December 2022; AOS: Normative Ethics, Decision Theory): Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Philosophy, Global Priorities Institute, University of Oxford (September 2022-August 2026)
Caspar Jacobs (January 2021; AOS: Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy of Science, Metaphysics): Early Career Research, Merton College, University of Oxford (September 2022 - August 2025)
Tess Johnson (June 2022; AOS: Practical Ethics): GLIDE Postdoctoral Researcher in the Ethics of Pandemic Preparedness, Response and Surveillance, Ethox, University of Oxford (2022-2024)
Nikolas Kirby (May 2016; AOS: Political Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Ethics): Associate Professor of Political Science, Duke Kunshan University, China (from July 2022)
Petra Kosonen (September 2022; AOS: Decision Theory, Population Ethics): Postdoc, Population Wellbeing Initiative, University of Texas at Austin (from October 2022-September 2025)
Lukas Lewerentz (March 2022; AOS: Philosophy of Language): Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Lecturer), Department of Philosophy, Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany (November 2021 - November 2024)
Lukas Lewerentz (March 2022; AOS: Philosophy of Language): Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Postdoctoral at the Department of Philosophy at Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf, Germany (From February 2024 - December 2026)
Tien-Chun Lo (September 2021; AOS: Metaphysics and Philosophy of Religion), Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (from August 2022)
Michelle Liu (July 2019; AOS: Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Language, Aesthetics): Lecturer, Monash University, Australia (from July 2023)
Chiara Martini (AOS Ancient Philosophy): Departmental Lecturer, Faculty of Philosophy and Somerville College, University of Oxford (September 2022-August 2024)
Alexander Roberts (January 2020; AOS: Metaphysics, Philosophical Logic, Philosophy of Language): Assistant Professor, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States (from September 2023)
Jack Wearing (January 2023; AOS: Continental Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Kant, Wittgenstein): Teaching Associate, University of Cambridge (September 2022-December 2023)
Joseph O. Chapa (June 2020): Chief Responsible Artificial Intelligence Ethics Officer, Department of the US Air Force (January 2022-May 2024)
Farbod Akhlaghi (January 2022; AOS: (Meta-)Metaphysics, Meta-Ethics, Ethics): Stipendiary Junior Research Fellow, Christ's College, University of Cambridge (October 2021-October 2025)
Gulzaar Barn (April 2018; AOS: Moral Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Feminist Philosophy): Assistant Professor in Ethics, Utrecht University (from August 2021)
Jason W. Carter (July 2015; AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Metaphysics, Ethics): Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter at the Lehrstuhl fur Philosophie IIII (Ancient Philosophy), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, Germany (October 2021 - February 2022)
Jason W. Carter (July 2015; AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Metaphysics, Ethics): Assistant Professor, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, Germany (March 2022 - March 2025)
Sam Clarke (June 2019; AOS: Philosophy of Mind, Psychology and Cognitive Science): MindCORE Research Fellow, University of Pennsylvania (October 2021-October 2024)
Maciej Czerkawski (February 2020; AOS: Post-Kantian Philosophy, Ancient Philosophy, Metaphysics): Assistant Professor in Philosophy, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej (UMCS) in Lubin, Poland. (October 2021- September 2023)
Luke Davies (January 2019; AOS: Kant, Political Philosophy): LSE Fellow in Government, London School of Economics (September 2018 - August 2022 [extended])
Neil Dewar (September 2016; AOS: Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy of Science, Metaphysics, Logic): University Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Cambridge (from September 2021)
Guus Eelink (February 2020; AOS: Ancient Philosophy): Lecturer in Philosophy, Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford (April 2021 - June 2021)
Christopher Fowles (February 2020; AOS: Post-Kantian Philosophy): Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford (May 2022 - April 2025)
Caspar Jacobs (AOS: Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy of Science, Metaphysics): Postdoctoral Associate in Philosophy of Physics, University of Pittsburgh (August 2021 - July 2022)
Jay Jian (March 2020; AOS: Meta-Ethics, Ethics, Philosophy of Action): Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Philosophy, National Tsing Hua University (January 2021-July 2021)
Jay Jian (March 2020; AOS: Meta-Ethics, Ethics, Philosophy of Action): Assistant Professor, Institute of Philosophy, National Tsing Hua University (from August 2021)
Maximilian Kiener (January 2020; AOS: Moral Philosophy, Philosophy of Law, Practical Ethics, Ethics of Artificial Intelligence): Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, University of Oxford (October 2021 - September 2024)
Bradford Kim (May 2018; AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Moral Philosophy): Polonsky Fellow, Van Leer Jerusalem Institute (October 2021-October 2022)
James Kirkpatrick (September 2019; AOS: Philosophy of Language, Epistemology, Ethics): Fixed-Term Fellow in Philosophy, Somerville College, University of Oxford (September 2021 - August 2023)
Kacper Kowalczyk is currently a Research Fellow at the Philosophy Department, University College London (2021 - 2023)
Benjamin Lange (TBC; AOS: Moral Philosophy, Political Philosophy): Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich (LMU), Germany (October 2021 - October 2023)
Ela Leshem (April 2018; AOS: Legal, Political and Moral Philosophy): Law Fellow, United States Senate Judiciary Committee (from September 2021)
Chong-Ming Lim (May 2020; AOS: Moral and Political Philosophy): Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (From June 2021)
Michelle Liu (July 2019; AOS: Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Language, Aesthetics): Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, University of Hertfordshire (October 2021 - September 2024)
Annina Loets (July 2020; AOS: Metaphysics, Epistemology, Philosophy of Language): Junior Professor, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany (April 2021-April 2027)
James Openshaw (August 2018; AOS: Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, Epistemology): Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship, 'Objectual Memory', Centre for Philosophy of Memory, Université Grenoble Alpes (October 2021 - September 2023)
Martin Pickup (October 2012; AOS: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Religion, Early Modern Philosophy): Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Birmingham (from March 2021)
Ketan Ramakrishnan (2021; AOS: Moral, Legal, and Political Philosophy): Associate Professor of Law, Yale Law School (from January 2023).
Lorenzo Rossi (August 2016; AOS: Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics, Epistemology, Philosophy of Language): Research Fellow (RTD-A) in Philosophy, University of Turin (October 2021-September 2024)
Andreas Schmidt (October 2013; AOS: Political Philosophy, Ethics): Associate Professor of Political Theory, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Groningen (from December 2020)
Collis Tahzib (January 2020; AOS: Political Philosophy, Moral Philosophy): Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Southern California (from August 2021)
Tena Thau (January 2021; AOS: Social and Political Philosophy, Applied Ethics): Fellow, London School of Economics (from September 2021)
Robert Underwood (February 2020; AOS: Ethics of Defensive Harm, Just War Theory, Normative Ethics): Lead Planner in the Defense Planning and Capabilities Branch (DPCB), NATO International Military Staff (July 2021-July 2024)
Nicolas Vaughan (January 2014; AOS: Medieval Philosophy, Medieval Logic, Semantics, Inferentialism): Associate Professor in Classics and Medieval Studies (tenure-track), Department of Literature, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia (from November 2021)
Andy Yu (December 2016; AOS: Philosophical Logic, Philosophy of Language): Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Western University (from 2022)
Jason W. Carter (July 2015; AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Metaphysics, Ethics): Associate Lecturer in Philosophy, University of St Andrews (September 2020 - August 2021)
Joseph Chapa (June 2020; AOS: Moral Philosophy, Just War Theory, Ethics of Emerging Military Technology): AI Strategist, US Air Force Artificial Intelligence Cross-Functional Team (August 2020 - July 2022)
Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette (August 2019; AOS: Philosophy of Action, Ethics): Assistant Professor, Institute of Philosophy, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland (From February 2021)
Joseph Cregan (AOS: German Idealism, Post-Kantian Philosophy, especially Heidegger): Teacher of Philosophy, Our Lady's Abingdon, Oxfordshire (From September 2020)
Andrew Currie (August 2020; AOS: Philosophy of Law, Philosophical Logic, Metaphysics): Postdoctoral Fellow in Law and Philosophy, University of California, Los Angeles (2021-2023)
Luke Davies (January 2019; AOS: Kant, Political Philosophy): LSE Fellow in Government, London School of Economics (extended) (September 2018 - August 2021)
Saloni de Souza (October 2019; AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Medicine): Associate Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University College London (September 2020 - August 2022)
Joao Fabiano (October 2018; AOS: Applied Ethics): Visiting Fellow, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University (from September 2020)
Christopher Fowles (February 2020; AOS: 19th Century German Philosophy, Philosophical Psychology, Philosophy of Emotion): Career Development Fellow in Philosophy, Trinity College, University of Oxford (May 2020 - May 2022)
Peter Fritz (July 2015; AOS: Logic, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language): Professor, Dianoia Institute of Philosophy, Australian Catholic University (from January 2020)
Carl Hildebrand (January 2018; AOS: Modern Philosophy, Ethics, Moral Psychology, Kant): Research Assistant Professor, University of Hong Kong (September 2020-August 2023)
Kacper Kowalczyk (January 2021; AOS: Ethics, Metaphysics, Decision Theory): Associate Lecturer (Teaching) in Philosophy, University College London (September 2020-August 2021)
Martin Lesourd (October 2019; AOS: Philosophy of Physics, Foundations of General Relativity): Lecturer in Mathematics and Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Black Hole Initiative, Mathematics Department, Harvard University (September 2019-July 2023)
Chong-Ming Lim (May 2020; AOS: Moral and Political Philosophy): Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University, McCoy Family Center for Ethics in Society (From September 2020)
Annina Loets (July 2020; AOS: Metaphysics, Epistemology, Philosophy of Language): Postdoctoral Researcher, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany (July 2020-July 2024)
Raphaël Millière (March 2020; AOS: Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Mind): Presidential Scholar in Society and Neuroscience, Columbia University (2020-2023)
Raphaël Millière (March 2020; AOS: Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Mind): Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (March 2020 - August 2020)
James Openshaw (August 2018; AOS: Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, Epistemology): Postdoctoral Researcher (Analysis Trust and Mind Association Studentship), University of Warwick (September 2020 - August 2021)
Katharine O'Reilly (July 2019; AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Moral Psychology, Ethics): Assistant Professor of Ancient Philosophy, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada (From July 2021)
Alexander Roberts (January 2020; AOS: Metaphysics, Philosophical Logic, Philosophy of Language): Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, University of Oxford (September 2020 - August 2023)
Alexander Roberts (January 2020; AOS: Metaphysics, Philosophical Logic, Philosophy of Language): Leverhulme Junior Research Fellow, Oriel College, University of Oxford (September 2020 - August 2023)
Korbinian Rüger (September 2020; AOS: Ethics): Research Fellow , Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, Germany (October 2020 - December 2024 )
G. Owen Schaefer (July 2014; AOS: Applied Ethics, Bioethics): Assistant Professor, Centre for Biomedical Ethics, Yong Loo Sin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore (from August 2020)
Amia Srinivasan (January 2014; AOS: Epistemology, Feminist Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Practical Ethics): Chichele Professor of Social and Political Theory, All Souls College, Oxford (From January 2020)
Sebastian Sunday (July 2018; AOS: Aesthetics, Epistemology, History of Analytic Philosophy, Logic, Philosophy of Mind): Berggruen China Center Fellow, Berggruen Research Center, Peking University (October 2020-September 2021) (in addition to the position of Assistant Professor in Philosophy (tenure-track), Peking University, since October 2019)
Carissa Véliz (June 2017; AOS: Moral Philosophy, Political Philosophy): Associate Professor, Faculty of Philosophy and Institute for Ethics in AI, and Tutorial Fellow, Hertford College (From September 2020)
Gabriel Watts (July 2020; AOS: Early Modern Philosophy: Hume): Junior Research Fellowship, DFG Centre for Advanced Studies in the Humanities: Human Abilities, Freie Universität Berlin (2020-21)
Yaron Wolf (January 2020; AOS: Philosophy of Mind, Post-Kantian Philosophy, Metaphysics): Assistant Professor in Philosophy, University College Roosevelt, Utrecht University (2020-23)
Juhani Yli-Vakkuri (October 2012; AOS: Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, Epistemology, Metaphysics): Senior Research Fellow, Dianoia Institute of Philosophy, Australian Catholic University (from January 2020)
Andy Yu (December 2016; AOS: Philosophical Logic, Philosophy of Language): Judicial Law Clerk, Supreme Court of Canada (2021-22)
Kevin Busch (July 2018; AOS: Early Modern Philosophy, Kant; Philosophy of Mind): Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Davidson College (July 2019 - June 2023)
Jason W. Carter (July 2015; AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Metaphysics, Ethics): Teaching Fellow in Philosophy, University of Edinburgh (January 2019 - August 2020)
Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette (August 2019; AOS: Philosophy of Action, Ethics): Stipendiary Lecturer, St John's College, University of Oxford (October 2019 - June 2020)
Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette (August 2019; AOS: Philosophy of Action, Ethics): FRQSC Postdoctoral Researcher, King's College London (September 2019 - July 2021)
Sam Clarke (June 2019; AOS: Philosophy of Mind, Psychology and Cognitive Science): VISTA Postdoctoral Fellow, York University in Toronto (July 2019 - June 2021)
Will Davies (December 2012; AOS: Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Psychology): Associate Professor of Philosophy and Tutorial Fellow, St Anne's College, University of Oxford (from September 2019)
Dorothea Debus (July 2004; AOS: Philosophy of Mind): Professor of Philosophy, University of Konstanz (from April 2019)
Steven DeLay (February 2017; AOS: Phenomenology) Faculty Fellow, Ambrose College, Woolf University (from May 2019)
Saloni de Souza (October 2019; AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Medicine): Keeling Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Philosophy, University College London (September 2019-September 2020)
Christina Dietz (February 2019; AOS: Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind) Research Fellow, the Dianoia Institute of Philosophy, Australian Catholic University (from September 2019)
Emma Dore-Horgan (2022; AOS: Moral and Legal Philosophy): Postdoctoral Researcher in the Ethics of Neurotechnology in Criminal Justice, Department of Philosophy, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (2022-2025)
Katherine Dormandy (December 2012; AOS: Epistemology, Philosophy of Religion): Assistant Professor of Philosophy (tenure-track), University of Innsbruck (from December 2018)
Guus Eelink (February 2020; AOS: Ancient Philosophy): Lecturer in Philosophy, Oriel College, University of Oxford (October 2019 - March 2020)
Guus Eelink (February 2020; AOS: Ancient Philosophy): Lecturer in Philosophy, St Benet's Hall, University of Oxford (October 2019 - September 2021)
David Egan (November 2011; AOS: Wittgenstein, 20th Century Continental Philosophy, Aesthetics): Doctoral Lecturer, Hunter College, City University New York (August 2019 - August 2020)
Joao Fabiano (October 2018; AOS: Applied Ethics): FAPESP Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Sao Paolo (from October 2019)
Alexander Heape (October 2018; AOS: Ethics, Metaethics, Moral Psychology) Carlsberg Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Copenhagen (January 2019 - December 2020)
Carl Hildebrand (January 2018; AOS: Modern Philosophy, Ethics, Moral Psychology, Kant): Limited Term Faculty Member, University of the Fraser Valley (August 2019 - August 2020)
Maximilian Kiener (January 2020; AOS: Moral and Legal Philosophy): Tenure-Track Professor of Philosophy and Ethics in Technology, Head of Institute for Ethics in Technology, Hamburg University of Technology (May 2023)
Bradford Kim (May 2018; AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Moral Philosophy) Instructor in Philosophy, Auburn University (from August 2019)
James Kirkpatrick (September 2019; AOS: Philosophy of Language, Epistemology, Ethics) Stipendiary Lecturer in Philosophy, Somerville College, University of Oxford (October 2019-September 2020)
James Kirkpatrick (September 2019; AOS: Philosophy of Language, Epistemology, Ethics) Stipendiary Lecturer in Philosophy, St Catherine's College, University of Oxford (October 2019-September 2020)
Ela Leshem (April 2018; AOS: Legal, Political and Moral Philosophy): Law Clerk for Judge David J. Barron, US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit (From August 2020)
Martin Lesourd (October 2019; AOS: Foundations of Spacetime Theories, Mathematical General Relativity) Postdoctoral Fellow in Philosophy and Mathematics, Black Hole Initiative, Harvard University (September 2019 - August 2022)
Michelle Liu (July 2019; AOS: Philosophy of Mind) Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Hertfordshire (September 2019 - September 2021)
Noelle Lopez (October 2014; AOS: Plato, Philosophy of Love, Ethics): Assistant Director, Equity and Inclusion, Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, Harvard University (March 2019 - September 2022)
Niels Martens (July 2017; AOS: Philosophy of Physics, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Science): Postdoctoral Researcher in Philosophy of Physics, Lichtenberg Group for History and Philosophy of Physics, University of Bonn, as part of the interdisciplinary research unit "Epistemology of the LHC" (October 2018 - December 2022)
Tushar Menon (July 2019; AOS: Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Physics): Research Fellow (Assistant Professor), Dianoia Institute of Philosophy, Australian Catholic University (June 2023)
James Openshaw (August 2018; AOS: Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind) Teaching Fellow in Philosophy, University of Edinburgh (September 2019 - August 2020)
Katharine O'Reilly (July 2019; AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Moral Psychology, Ethics) Lecturer in Ancient Philosophy, Departments of Classics and Philosophy, King's College London (September 2019 - June 2021)
Michael Plant (October 2019; AOS: Ethics) Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Oxford Wellbeing Research Centre, University of Oxford (October 2019-September 2020)
Franziska Poprawe (June 2020; AOS: Moral Philosophy): Post-Doctoral Researcher, University of Zurich (from February 2020)
Alexander Roberts (January 2020; AOS: Metaphysics, Philosophical Logic, Philosophy of Language): Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Cambridge (September 2019 - August 2020)
Lorenzo Rossi (August 2016; AOS: Logic, Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics, Philosophy of Language): Assistant Professor, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, Ludwig Maximilian University (October 2019 - September 2025)
Sebastian Sunday (July 2018; AOS: Aesthetics, Epistemology, History of Analytic Philosophy, Logic, Philosophy of Mind): Assistant Professor in Philosophy (tenure-track), Peking University (from October 2019)
Collis Tahzib (January 2020; AOS: Political Philosophy, Moral Philosophy) Non-Stipendiary Lecturer, Christ Church, University of Oxford (January 2019 - June 2019)
Collis Tahzib (January 2020; AOS: Political Philosophy, Moral Philosophy) Junior Research Fellow in Philosophy, Merton College, University of Oxford (October 2019 - October 2022)
Areti Theofilopoulou (AOS: Political Philosophy, Ethics, Philosophy of Law): Postdoc, Interdisciplinary Research Lab for Bioethics, Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences (August 2022-December 2024)
Robert Underwood (February 2020; AOS: Ethics of Defensive Harm, Just War Theory, Normative Ethics): Commander, 1st Squadron, 4th US Cavalry, US Department of Defense (June 2019 - May 2021)
Robert Underwood (February 2020; AOS: Ethics of Defensive Harm, Just War Theory, Normative Ethics): Goodpastor Fellow, US Army Advanced Strategic Plane and Policy Program, US Department of Defense (from June 2019)
Nicolas Vaughan (January 2014; AOS: Medieval Philosophy) Assistant Professor in Classics and Medieval Studies (tenure-track), Department of Literature, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia (from November 2018)
Natalia Waights Hickman (December 2016; AOS: Epistemology, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind): Associate Professor of Philosophy and Tutorial Fellow, Worcester College, University of Oxford (from October 2019)
Robert Watt (February 2014; AOS: Kant): Departmental Lecturer in the History of Philosophy, Trinity College, University of Oxford (January 2019 - September 2020)
Bruno Whittle (March 2005; AOS: Philosophical Logic, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mathematics): Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Wisconsin-Madison (from August 2019)
Alastair Wilson (June 2011; AOS: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Physics): Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Birmingham (from August 2019)
Andy Yu (December 2016; AOS: Philosophical Logic, Philosophy of Language): Judicial Law Clerk, Court of Appeal, Ontario, Canada (2020-21)
Jens Dam Ziska (February 2016; AOS: Aesthetics, Philosophy of Mind and Action): Assistant Professor in Aesthetics (tenure-track), University of the Faroe Islands (from March 2019)
Damien Storey (February 2013; AOS: Ancient Greek philosophy): Assistant Professor, Koç University, Istanbul (from 2018)
Max Baker-Hytch (November 2014; AOS: Philosophy of Religion, Epistemology): Tutor in Philosophy, Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford (from October 2018)
Gulzaar Barn (April 2018; AOS: Moral Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Feminist Philosophy): Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Birmingham (from January 2018 - June 2020)
Jacob Burda (May 2018; AOS: German Literature and Philosophy): Visiting Lecturer at the Hannah Arendt Center at Bard College for the coming academic year, lecturing in the fall semester.
Jason W. Carter (July 2015; AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Metaphysics, Ethics): Teaching Fellow in Philosophy, University of Edinburgh (January 2019 – December 2020)
Gabriel Citron (May 2012; AOS: Philosophy of Religion, Wittgenstein, Metaphysics, Jewish Philosophy): Assistant Professor in Religion and Critical Thought (tenure-track), Princeton University (from July 2018)
Luke Davies (January 2019; AOS: Kant, Political Philosophy): LSE Fellow in Government, London School of Economics (September 2018 - August 2020)
Steven DeLay (February 2017; AOS: Phenomenology): Thomas Jack Lynch Teacher-Scholar Postdoctoral Fellow, Wake Forest University (from August 2018 - June 2019)
Joao Fabiano (October 2018; AOS: Applied Ethics): Research Assistant at the Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative (October 2018-August 2019)
Rachel Fraser (January 2017; AOS: Epistemology, Feminist Philosophy) Associate Professor of Philosophy and Michael Cohen Fellow in Philosophy (permanent), University of Oxford (from October 2018)
Peter Fritz (July 2015; AOS: Logic, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language): Professor in Philosophy, University of Oslo (from December 2017)
Gail Leckie (July 2014; AOS: Philosophy of Language): Stipendiary Lecturer, Mansfield College, University of Oxford (April 2018 - August 2020)
Dennis Lehmkuhl (July 2010; AOS: History and Philosophy of Physics): Lichtenberg Professor for History and Philosophy of Physics, University of Bonn (from October 2018)
Noelle Lopez (October 2014; AOS: Plato, Philosophy of Love, Ethics): Learning Lab Fellow for Ethics & Critical Engagement, Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, Harvard University (April 2018 - March 2019)
Neils Martens (Sept 2022; AOS: Philosophy of Physics, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Science): Marie Curie Fellow, University of Utrecht (September 2022-2023, September 2024-25); Postdoctoral Fellow in Philosophy of Physics, Black Hole Initiative, Harvard (September 2023-2024, September 2025-27) University Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Philosophy of Physics at Utrecht University (from April 2023)
Carlo Nicolai (January 2014; AOS: Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language): Lecturer in Philosophy (permanent), King’s College London (from September 2018)
James Openshaw (August 2018; AOS: Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind) Postdoctoral Researcher in Philosophy, University of Haifa (October 2018 - September 2019)
Carina Prunkl (December 2018; AOS: Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy and Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy of Science) Senior Research Scholar, Future of Humanity Institute (October 2018 - September 2020)
James Read (December 2018; AOS: Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy of Science) Associate Professor in Philosophy and Tutorial Fellow (permanent), Pembroke College, University of Oxford (from October 2018)
Amia Srinivasan (January 2014; AOS: Epistemology, Metaphilosophy, Social and Political Philosophy, Feminist Philosophy): Associate Professor of Philosophy (permanent), St John's College, University of Oxford (from October 2018)
Damien Storey (February 2013; AOS: Ancient Greek Philosophy): Assistant Professor, Koç University, Turkey (from 2018)
Sebastian Sunday (July 2018; AOS: Epistemology, History of Analytic Philosophy, Logic, Philosophy of Mind): Stipendiary Lecturer in Philosophy, Christ Church, University of Oxford (October 2018 - September 2019)
Areti Theofilopoulou (July 2019; AOS: Political Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, Applied Ethics): Retained Lecturer in Political Theory, St Hilda's College, University of Oxford (April 2018 - June 2019)
J. Teru Thomas (November 2016; AOS: Ethics, Philosophy of Mathematics): Senior Research Fellow, Global Priorities Institute (from October 2018)
Emanuel Viebahn (March 2015; AOS: Philosophy of Language, Metaphysics) Senior Lecturer in Theoretical Philosophy, University of Zurich (September 2018 - August 2019)
Juhani Yli-Vakkuri (October 2012; AOS: Philosophy of Language, Epistemology, Metaphysics): Associate Faculty Member, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford (from September 2018)
Juhani Yli-Vakkuri (October 2012; AOS: Philosophy of Language, Epistemology, Metaphysics): Professor of Philosophy of Language, University of Tartu (from 2018)
Jack Wearing (July 2018; AOS; Kant, Post Kantian Philosophy, Wittgenstein, Political Philosophy): Teaching Associate in Philosophy, University of Cambridge (September 2022 - December 2023)
Matthias Brinkmann (February 2017; AOS: Moral and Political Philosophy): DeOlazarra Post-Doctoral Fellow and Research Associate, Department of Politics, University of Virginia, USA (August 2017 - July 2018)
Daniel Came (November 2006; AOS: Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Philosophy of Religion): Senior Lecturer in Philosophy (permanent), University of Lincoln, UK (September 2017 onwards)
Gabriel Citron (May 2012; AOS: Philosophy of Religion, Wittgenstein, Metaphysics, Jewish Philosophy): Visiting Assistant Professor in Philosophy, University of Rochester, USA (August 2017 - July 2019)
Elizabeth Cykowski (October 2015; AOS: Post-Kantian Philosophy, especially Heidegger and the phenomenological tradition, and Philosophical Anthropology): Stipendiary Lecturer in Philosophy, New College, University of Oxford (October 2017 – September 2018)
David Egan (November 2011; AOS: Wittgenstein, 20th Century Continental Philosophy, Aesthetics): Visiting Assistant Professor, Hunter College, City University New York (from August 2017 - May 2019)
Alexandre Erler (May 2013; AOS: Moral Philosophy, Applied Ethics): Research Assistant Professor, Centre for Bioethics, Chinese University of Hong Kong (July 2017 – July 2020)
Elena Cagnoli Fiecconi (June 2016; AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Moral Psychology, and Virtue Ethics): Lecturer (permanent), Department of Greek and Latin, University College London (from September 2018)
Peter Fritz (July 2015; AOS: Logic, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language): Associate Professor in Philosophy, University of Oslo (July 2017 - December 2017)
Michelle Hutchinson (February 2015; AOS: Ethics): Researcher, Global Priorities Programme, University of Oxford (March 2017 – March 2019)
Gail Leckie (July 2014; AOS: Philosophy of Language, and Philosophy of Logic): Stipendiary Lecturer in Philosophy, Mansfield College, University of Oxford (April 2018 - August 2019)
Noelle Lopez (October 2014; AOS: Plato, Philosophy of Love, Ethics): Learning Lab General Education Fellow, Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, Harvard University (July 2017 - April 2018)
Harvey Lederman (September 2014; AOS: Formal Epistemology, Aristotle): Assistant Professor (tenure-track), Department of Philosophy, Princeton University (from September 2017)
William MacAskill (May 2014; AOS: Ethics): Associate Professor and Senior Research Fellow, Global Priorities Institute (from August 2017)
Beau Madison Mount (April 2018; AOS: Philosophy of Mathematics, Metaphysics, Logic): Weston Junior Research Fellow in Philosophy, New College, Oxford University (October 2017–October 2020)
Tom Møller-Nielsen (June 2016; AOS: Philosophy of Physics, Metaphysics): Stipendiary Lecturer in Philosophy, Oriel College, University of Oxford (September 2017 – April 2018)
Daniel Morgan (July 2011; AOS: Philosophy of Mind, Language, and Epistemology): Associate Lecturer in Philosophy, University of York (from October 2017)
James Openshaw (August 2018; AOS: Philosophy of Mind; Philosophy of Language): Stipendiary Lecturer, St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford (October 2017 - September 2018)
Martin Pickup (October 2012; AOS: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Religion, Early Modern Philosophy): Stipendiary Lecturer in Philosophy, Magdalen College, University of Oxford (September 2017 - September 2018)
Martin Pickup (October 2012; AOS: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Religion, Early Modern Philosophy): Junior Research Fellow, Oriel College, University of Oxford (September 2018 - September 2021)
Lorenzo Rossi (August 2016; AOS: Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language): Post-doctoral Researcher, Department of Philosophy (KGW), University of Salzburg. Research Project: The Liar and its Revenge in Context (January 2017 – September 2019)
Robert Simpson (June 2013; AOS: Social and Political Philosophy): Lecturer in Philosophy (permanent), University College London (from January 2018)
Andrew Stephenson (May 2013; AOS: Kant, Mind, Metaphysics): Lecture in Philosophy (permanent), University of Southampton, UK (October 2017 onwards)
Syman Stevens (October 2014; AOS: Philosophy of Physics): Program Officer, Templeton World Charity Foundation (from September 2017)
Carissa Véliz (June 2017; AOS: Moral Philosophy, Political Philosophy): Postdoctoral Researcher, Health and Responsibility project, Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, University of Oxford (from October 2017 to October 2020)
Barbara Vetter (November 2010; AOS: Metaphysics): Professor of Theoretical Philosophy (permanent), Freie Universität Berlin (from April 2017)
Natalia Waights Hickman (December 2016; AOS: Epistemology, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind): Junior Research Fellow in Philosophy, The Queen's College, University of Oxford (October 2017 – October 2019)
Robert Watt (February 2014; AOS: Early Modern Philosophy, Kant): Teaching Associate in Philosophy, University of Cambridge (December 2016 – September 2018)
Jack Wearing
(AOS Continental Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Kant, Wittgenstein; 2023), Teaching Associate, University of Cambridge from September 2002-December 2023.
Jens Dam Ziska (February 2016; AOS: Aesthetics, Philosophy of Mind and Action): Postdoctoral Fellow, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf (April 2017 - 2019)
Max Baker-Hytch (November 2014; AOS: Philosophy of Religion, Epistemology): Associate Tutor in Philosophy, Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford (from September 2016)
Matthias Brinkmann (February 2017; AOS: Moral and Political Philosophy), Stipendiary Lectureship in Philosophy, Merton College, Oxford (October 2015 – March 2016)
Elizabeth Cykowski (October 2015; AOS: Post-Kantian Philosophy, especially Heidegger and the phenomenological tradition, and Philosophical Anthropology): Departmental Lecturer in Post-Kantian Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford (January 2016 – December 2016)
Elena Cagnoli Fiecconi (June 2016; AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Moral Psychology, and Virtue Ethics): Polonsky Fellow, Van Leer Jerusalem Institute (June 2017 – September 2018)
Elena Cagnoli Fiecconi (June 2016; AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Moral Psychology, and Virtue Ethics): Postdoctoral Research Fellow, THUMOS (the Genevan Research Group on Emotions, Values and Norms), University of Geneva (July 2016 – June 2017)
Richard Christian (April 2012; AOS: Ethics): Temporary Lectureship in Ethics, University of Wolverhampton (February 2016 – July 2016)
Will Davies (December 2012; AOS: Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science): Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Birmingham (from January 2017)
Natalja Deng (April 2010; AOS: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Religion, and Philosophy of Science): Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea (from January 2017)
Neil Dewar (September 2016; AOS: Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy of Science, Metaphysics, and Logic): Assistant Professor, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (October 2016 – December 2022)
Katherine Dormandy (December 2012; AOS: Epistemology and Philosophy of Religion): Lise-Meitner Fellow, Innsbruck University (from December 2015)
Adam Etinson (November 2011; AOS: Social and Political Philosophy, and Human Rights): Lecturer in Philosophy, University of St Andrews (from September 2016)
Rachel Fraser (January 2017; AOS: Epistemology): Junior Research Fellow, Peterhouse College, University of Cambridge (October 2016 – October 2019)
Alexander Kaiserman (September 2016; AOS: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Law): Associate Professor of Philosophy and Tutorial Fellow, Balliol College, University of Oxford (from September 2016)
Nakul Krishna (May 2015; AOS: Ethics, History of Philosophy): Unestablished Lecturer, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Cambridge (October 2016 – September 2020)
Harvey Lederman (September 2014; AOS: Formal Epistemology, Aristotle): Assistant Professor (tenure-track), Department of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh (from September 2016)
Noelle Lopez (October 2014; AOS: Plato, Philosophy of Love, Ethics): Learning Lab Fellow, Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, Harvard University (June 2016 – July 2017)
Noelle Lopez (October 2014; AOS: Plato, Philosophy of Love, Ethics): Part-Time Faculty, Department of Philosophy, Boston College (August 2016 – December 2018)
William MacAskill (May 2014; AOS: Ethics): Research Fellow and Associate Professor, Future of Humanity Institute (from August 2016)
Niels Martens (July 2017; AOS: Philosophy of Physics, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Science): Postdoctoral Researcher in Philosophy of Physics, Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology, RWTH Aachen University, as part of the interdisciplinary research unit "Epistemology of the LHC" (September 2016 – October 2019)
Tom Møller-Nielsen (June 2016; AOS: Philosophy of Physics, Metaphysics): Stipendiary Lecturer in Philosophy, Oriel College, University of Oxford (September 2016 – April 2017)
Carlo Nicolai (January 2014; AOS: Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language): NWO VENI Research Fellow, Utrecht University (from July 2017)
Michael Price (January 2016; AOS: Philosophy of Logic and Language, Early Analytic Philosophy, Metaphysics): Stipendiary Lecturer in Philosophy, Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford (February 2016 – June 2017)
Joshua Rosaler (October 2013; AOS: Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy of Science): Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Problems of Hierarchy, Fine-Tuning, and Naturalness Project, RWTH University Aachen (October 2016 – October 2019)
Andreas Schmidt (October 2013; AOS: Political Philosophy, Ethics): Assistant Professor of Political Theory, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Groningen (from August 2016)
Robert Schwartzkopff (May 2015; AOS: Frege, Philosophy of Language, Metaphysics): Head of Administration (Referent für Studium und Forschung), Department of Philosophy, University of Hamburg (from June 2016)
J. Teru Thomas (November 2016; AOS: Ethics, Philosophy of Mathematics): Research Fellow in Philosophy, Population Ethics: Theory and Practice project, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford (October 2016 – September 2018)
Nicolas Vaughan (January 2014; AOS: Medieval Philosophy, Medieval Logic, Semantics, Inferentialism): Assistant Professor in Medieval Philosophy, Philosophy Department, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia (from January 2016)
Barbara Vetter (November 2010; AOS: Metaphysics): Professor of Theoretical Philosophy, University of Erlangen (from April 2016)
Natalia Waights Hickman (December 2016; AOS: Epistemology, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind): Researcher in Philosophy, Centre for the Study of Mind and Nature (CSMN), University of Oslo (September 2016 – August 2017)
Aaron James Wendland (December 2013; AOS: Phenomenology, Existentialism, German Idealism, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Art, Political Philosophy): Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Centre for Advanced Studies, Higher School of Economics, Moscow (from January 2017)
Juhani Yli-Vakkuri (October 2012; AOS: Philosophy of Language, Epistemology, Metaphysics): Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow, University of Bielefeld (2016 - 2018)
Andy Yu (December 2016; AOS: Philosophical Logic, Philosophy of Language): Juris Doctor (JD) at the University of Toronto (2016-2019)
Thomas Ainsworth (October 2013; AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Metaphysics): Lecturer in Philosophy, Trinity College, University of Oxford (from September 2015)
Max Baker-Hytch (November 2014; AOS: Philosophy of Religion, Epistemology): Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Center for Philosophy and Religion, University of Notre Dame (August 2015 – June 2016)
Luke Brunning (March 2015; AOS: Ethics and Applied Ethics, Philosophy of Mind, and Political and Social Philosophy): British Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Philosophy, ’Ethics and Lives Less Ordinary: Ideals of Coherence and Compartmentalisation’, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford (2015 – 2018)
Jason W. Carter (July 2015; AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind, and Ethics): Michael Cohen Fellow and Lecturer in Ancient Philosophy, Exeter College, University of Oxford (October 2015 – September 2018)
Marinella Capriati (August 2015; AOS: Political Philosophy): Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Politics and International Studies, Warwick University (September 2015 – March 2016)
Gabriel Citron (May 2012; AOS: Philosophy of Religion, Wittgenstein, Metaphysics, Jewish Philosophy): Postdoctoral Fellow in Philosophy, University of Toronto (July 2015 – July 2017)
Joseph Cregan (AOS: German Idealism, Post-Kantian Philosophy, especially Heidegger): Tutor and Occasional Lecturer in Philosophy, University College Dublin (September 2015 - February 2017)
William Danielson Lanier (February 2014; AOS: Philosophy of Language, Metaphysics, and Epistemology): Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Hebrew University in Jerusalem (June 2014 – June 2016)
Daniel Deasy (September 2014; AOS: Metaphysics): Lecturer/Assistant Professor in Philosophy, University College Dublin (from September 2015)
Alessandro Di Nicola (January 2015; AOS: Ethics, Meta-Ethics, and Epistemology): College Lecturer in Philosophy, Somerville College, University of Oxford (September 2015 – August 2016)
Katherine Dormandy (December 2012; AOS: Epistemology and Philosophy of Religion): Grant Winner, “Intellectual Humility Project”, St Louis University (June 2014 – June 2015)
Alexandre Erler (May 2013; AOS: Applied Ethics, Neuroethics, and Medical Ethics): Postdoctoral Research Fellow on the ethical and social implications of Digital “DIY” technologies, Anatolia College/American College of Thessaloniki (June 2015 – June 2017)
Adam Etinson (November 2011; AOS: Social and Political Philosophy, and Human Rights): Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Lecturer in Human Rights, The Pozen Family Center for Human Rights & The Department of Philosophy, University of Chicago (2014 – 2016)
Peter Fritz (July 2015; AOS: Logic, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language): Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Oslo (July 2015 – June 2017)
Jeremy Goodman (February 2016; AOS: Metaphysics, Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophical Logic): Assistant Professor (tenure-track), University of Southern California (from September 2016)
Nikolas Kirby (May 2016; AOS: Political Philosophy, Ethics): Research Fellow and Departmental Lecturer in Philosophy and Public Policy, Blavatnik School of Government, University Oxford (from September 2015)
Gail Leckie (July 2014; AOS: Philosophy of Language, and Philosophy of Logic): Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Philosophy, ERC Project: ‘The Nature of Representation’, University of Leeds (September 2015 – September 2017)
Maria Lasonen-Aarnio (November 2009; AOS: Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind): Assistant Professor (with tenure), Department of Philosophy, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (from 2015)
Dennis Lehmkuhl (July 2010; AOS: History and Philosophy of Physics): Research Assistant Professor in History and Philosophy of Science, California Institute of Technology (from April 2015)
Yair Levy (May 2013; AOS: Ethics, Philosophy of Action): Lectureship in Philosophy (tenure-track), Tel-Aviv University (from October 2015)
William MacAskill (May 2014; AOS: Ethics): Tutorial Fellow and Associate Professor, Lincoln College, University of Oxford (from August 2015)
Ofra Magidor (June 2007; AOS: Metaphysics, Epistemology, Philosophy of Logic and Language): Waynflete Professor of Metaphysical Philosophy, Balliol College, University of Oxford (from September 2016)
Daniel Morgan (July 2011; AOS: Philosophy of Mind, Language, and Epistemology): Beatriu de Pinos Research Fellowship at LOGOS, University of Barcelona (September 2015 - September 2017)
Andreas L. Mogensen (July 2014; AOS: Moral Epistemology and Normative Ethics): Associate Professor and Tutorial Fellow, Jesus College, University of Oxford (from September 2015)
Carlo Nicolai (January 2014; AOS: Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language): Marie Sklodowska Curie Individual Fellowship, ‘Formal Frameworks for Modal Notions Conceived as Predicates, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU Munich (January 2016 – January 2018)
Yuuki Ohta (September 2015; Philosophy of Action, Meta-ethics, Kant’s Practical Philosophy, Philosophy of Art and Aesthetics): Career Development Fellow in Philosophy, St Hugh’s College, University of Oxford (October 2015 – October 2018)
Stefan Riedener (March 2015; AOS: Ethics): Lecturer (Wissenschaftlicher Assistent), University of Zurich (June 2016 – May 2019)
G. Owen Schaefer (July 2014; AOS: Applied Ethics, Bioethics): Research Fellow, Centre for Biomedical Ethics, Yong Loo Sin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore (from August 2015)
Robert Schwartzkopff (May 2015; AOS: Frege, Philosophy of Language, Metaphysics): Research Associate (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter), Department of Philosophy, University of Hamburg (October 2015 – March 2018)
Ben Sorgiovanni (December 2015; AOS: Wittgenstein, Philosophy of Mind): Stipendiary Lecturer in Philosophy, The Queen's College, University of Oxford (October 2015 – July 2016)
Aaron James Wendland (December 2013; AOS: Phenomenology, German Idealism, Existentialism, Philosophy of Art, Philosophy of Language, and Political Philosophy): Early Career Research Fellow in Philosophy, University of Tartu (September 2015 – 2017)
Simona Aimar (May 2017; AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Metaphysics, Semantics): Visiting Assistant Professor in Philosophy, Columbia University, Barnard (September 2014 – August 2015)
Simona Aimar (May 2017; AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Metaphysics, Semantics): Lecturer in Philosophy (permanent), University College London (from September 2015)
Max Baker-Hytch (November 2014; AOS: Epistemology, Philosophy of Religion): Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford (September 2014 – September 2015)
Daniel Deasy (September 2014; AOS: Metaphysics): Stipendiary Lecturer in Philosophy, Magdalen College, University of Oxford (October 2014 – September 2015)
Katherine Dormandy (December 2012; AOS: Epistemology and Philosophy of Religion): Junior Professor, Humboldt University of Berlin (October 2013 – April 2014)
Daan Evers (February 2011; AOS: Ethics): Lecturer in Philosophy (tenure-track), Faculty of Philosophy, University of Groningen (from June 2014)
Gail Leckie (July 2014; AOS: Philosophy of Language, and Philosophy of Logic): Teaching Fellow in Philosophy, Sussex University (September 2014 – July 2015)
Harvey Lederman (September 2014; AOS: formal epistemology, Aristotle): Bersoff Assistant Professor / Faculty Fellow, New York University (September 2014 – August 2016)
Yair Levy (May 2013; AOS: Ethics, Philosophy of Action): Career Development Fellow in Philosophy, University of Southampton (October 2014 – September 2016)
Noelle Lopez (October 2014; AOS: Plato, Ethics): Postdoctoral Fellow, Program for Evolutionary Dynamics, Harvard University (November 2014 – October 2015)
William MacAskill (May 2014; AOS: Ethics), Research Fellowship, Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge (October 2014 – July 2015). Associate Professor and Senior Research Fellow, Global Priorities Institute, University of Oxford (from September 2017)
Emil F. L. Moeller (April 2015; AOS: Epistemology): Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Philosophy, Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen (September 2014 – August 2017)
Martin Pickup (October 2012; AOS: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Religion, Early Modern Philosophy): Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Oxford (July 2014 - July 2017)
Jonathan Pugh (November 2014; AOS: Ethics): Postdoctoral Fellow in Applied Moral Philosophy, UEHIRO Centre for Practical Ethics, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford (Oct 2014 – September 2016)
Joshua Rosaler (October 2013; AOS: Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy of Science): Visiting Assistant Professor in Philosophy, University of Minnesota (September 2014 – June 2015)
G. Owen Schaefer (July 2014; AOS: Ethics): Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Oxford Centre for Neuroethics, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford (April 2014 – March 2015)
Andreas Schmidt (October 2013; AOS: Political Philosophy, Ethics): Post-doctoral Research Associate in Values and Public Policy, Woodrow Wilson School and University Center for Human Values, Princeton University (September 2014 – August 2016)
Stefan Sienkiewicz (January 2014; AOS: Ancient Philosophy): 5-Year Career Development Fellow, Balliol College, University of Oxford (October 2014 – September 2019)
Robert Simpson (June 2013; AOS: Social and Political Philosophy): Visiting Assistant Professor of Law, University of Chicago (from January 2015 - June 2015)
Amia Srinivasan (January 2014; AOS: Epistemology, Metaphilosophy, Social and Political Philosophy, Feminist Philosophy): Lecturer (Assistant Professor), University College London (from September 2015)
Andrew Stephenson (May 2013; AOS: Kant, Philosophy of Mind): 2-Year Leverhulme Research Award, Humboldt University, Berlin (April 2015 – March 2017)
Syman Stevens (October 2014; AOS: Philosophy of Physics): Director of Trinity Fellows Academy, Royal Oak, Maryland, US (July 2014 - June 2017)
Damien Storey (February 2013; AOS: Ancient Greek Philosophy): Departmental Lecturer in Ancient Philosophy, Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford (from September 2014)
Thomas Ainsworth (October 2013; AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Metaphysics): Stipendiary Lectureship, Wadham College, University of Oxford (September 2013 – August 2014)
Thomas Ainsworth (October 2013; AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Metaphysics): Stipendiary Lectureship, Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford (January 2014 – January 2016)
Gabriel Citron (May 2012; AOS: Philosophy of Religion, Metaphysics, Wittgenstein): Postdoctoral Fellow in Jewish Philosophy, Yale University (2013 – 2015)
Katherine Dormandy (December 2012; AOS: Epistemology and Philosophy of Religion): Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Munich School of Philosophy (February 2013 – September 2013)
David Egan (November 2011; AOS: Wittgenstein, 20th Century Continental Philosophy, Aesthetics): Harper-Schmidt Fellow and Collegiate Assistant Professor, Society of Fellows, University of Chicago (2013 – 2017)
Adam Etinson (November 2011; AOS: Social and Political Philosophy, and Human Rights): Mellon Sawyer Postdoctoral Fellow, The Philosophy Program & CGEP (The Center for Global Ethics and Politics), CUNY Graduate Center (2012 – 2014)
Daan Evers (February 2011; AOS: Ethics): Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Department of Philosophy, Stockholm University (October 2013 – June 2014)
Alexandre Erler (May 2013; AOS: Moral Philosophy, Applied Ethics): Postdoctoral Researcher, Centre for Research in Ethics (CRE), University of Montreal (September 2013 – May 2015)
Kentaro Fujimoto (June 2011; AOS: Logic): Lecturer in Mathematical and Philosophical Logic, University of Bristol (from January 2013)
James Grant (January 2011; AOS: Aesthetics): William Kneale and Le Rossignol–Clarendon Fellow and Tutor in Philosophy, Exeter College, University of Oxford (from October 2013)
Dennis Lehmkuhl (July 2010; AOS: History and Philosophy of Physics): Departmental Lecturer in Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Physics, Oriel College, University of Oxford (September 2013 – December 2014)
Yair Levy (May 2013; AOS: Ethics, Philosophy of Action): Stipendiary Lectureship, Jesus College, University of Oxford (September 2013 – August 2014)
Joshua Rosaler (October 2013; AOS: Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy of Science): Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh (September 2013 – June 2016)
Andreas Schmidt (October 2013; AOS: Political Philosophy, Ethics): Lecturer (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter), University of Göttingen (until August 2014)
Robert Simpson (June 2013; AOS: Social and Political Philosophy): Lectureship at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia (from July 2013 - December 2017)
Andrew Stephenson (May 2013; AOS: Kant; Philosophy of Mind): 3-Year Career Development Fellowship, Trinity College, University of Oxford (October 2013 – July 2016)
Damien Storey (February 2013; AOS: Ancient Greek Philosophy): Stipendiary Lectureship, Balliol College, University of Oxford (January 2013 – June 2014)
James Studd (May 2012; AOS: Philosophy of Mathematics, Logic, Philosophy of Language, Metaphysics): University Lecturer in the Philosophy of Mathematics, Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford (from October 2013)
Nicolas Vaughan (January 2014; AOS: Medieval Philosophy, Medieval Logic, Semantics, Inferentialism): Assistant Professor in Argumentation, Department of Humanities, Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Bogota, Colombia (from July 2013)
Emanuel Viebahn (March 2015; AOS: Philosophy of Language, Metaphysics): 6-Year Lectureship (as Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter), Humboldt University Berlin (from April 2013)
Thomas Ainsworth (October 2013; AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Metaphysics): Stipendiary Lectureship, Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford (September 2011 – August 2012)
Andrew Bacon (September 2012; AOS: Philosophical Logic, Philosophy of Language, Metaphysics): Assistant Professor, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Daniel Came (November 2006; AOS: Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Philosophy of Religion): Lecturer in Philosophy (permanent), University of Hull, UK (September 2012 - August 2017)
Chuanfei Chin (February 2016; AOS: Philosophy of Mind and Psychology): Senior Tutor in Philosophy, National University of Singapore (from October 2011)
Stefan Brandt (November 2011; AOS: Ludwig Wittgenstein, Wilfrid Sellars, Philosophy of Mind): Assistant Professor (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter), University of Göttingen (until September 2012)
Gabriel Citron (May 2012; AOS: Philosophy of Religion, Metaphysics, Wittgenstein): Junior Research Fellow, Worcester College, Oxford (2011 – 2013)
David Egan (November 2011; AOS: Wittgenstein, Heidegger, Philosophy of Language, Aesthetics): Sessional instructor at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario (from January to April 2012)
David Egan (November 2011; AOS: Wittgenstein, 20th century continental philosophy, Aesthetics): Lecturer in Philosophy, Christ Church, University of Oxford (September 2012 – March 2013)
Jane Friedman (February 2011; AOS: Epistemology): Assistant Professor (tenure-track), NYU (from September 2013)
Gail Leckie (July 2014; AOS: Philosophy of Language, and Philosophy of Logic): Stipendiary Lecturer in Philosophy, Mansfield College, University of Oxford (October 2012 – October 2014)
Michelle Hutchinson (February 2015; AOS: Ethics): Executive Director, Giving What We Can (July 2012 – March 2017)
Daniel Morgan (July 2011; AOS: Philosophy of Mind and Language): British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Philosophy, University College London (2012 – 2014)
Carlo Nicolai (January 2014; AOS: Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language): Postdoctoral Research Assistant, ‘Inexpressibility and Reflection in the Formal Sciences’ AHRC research project (October 2013 – Jul 2014)
Dani Rabinowitz (April 2013; AOS: Epistemology and Philosophy of Religion): Junior Research Fellow, New Insights and Directions for Religious Epistemology project, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford
Robert Watt (February 2014; AOS: Kant, Early Modern Philosophy): 3-Year Junior Research Fellow, Christ Church, University of Oxford (October 2012 – September 2015)
Alastair Wilson (June 2011; AOS: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Physics): Birmingham Fellow, Department of Philosophy, University of Birmingham (from January 2012)
Juhani Yli-Vakkuri (October 2012; AOS: Philosophy of Language, Epistemology, Metaphysics): Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature, University of Oslo (2012 - 2015)
Thomas Ainsworth (October 2013; AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Metaphysics): Stipendiary Lectureship, St Anne's College, University of Oxford (September 2010 – August 2011)
Christian Beenfeldt (January 2011; AOS: Philosophy of Mind and Psychology): Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Copenhagen
Daniel Came (November 2006; AOS: Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Philosophy of Religion): College Lecturer in Philosophy (fixed-term), St Hugh's College, University of Oxford, UK (October 2011 - September 2013)
Will Davies (December 2012; AOS: Philosophy of Mind/Psychology/Cognitive Science): Junior Research Fellowship, Churchill College, University of Cambridge.
David Egan (November 2011; AOS: Wittgenstein, Heidegger, Philosophy of Language, Aesthetics): APRA Berlin Foundation Multi-Disciplinary Fellowship
Daan Evers (February 2011; AOS: Ethics): Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, Utrecht University (July 2011 – September 2013)
Adam Etinson (November 2011; AOS: Moral and Political Philosophy, Legal Philosophy): Postdoctoral Fellowship, Center for Research in Ethics (CREUM), l'Université de Montréal
Jane Friedman (February 2011; AOS: Epistemology): Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship, University of Oxford
Anil Gomes (March 2007; AOS: Kant; Philosophy of Mind): CUF Lectureship and Tutorial Fellowship, Trinity College, University of Oxford
Edward Kanterian (July 2006; AOS: Kant, Frege, Philosophy of Language): Lectureship, University of Kent
Stephen Kearns (June 2007; AOS: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Action): Tenure-track post, Florida State University
Gail Leckie (July 2014; AOS: Philosophy of Language): Stipendiary Lecturer in Philosophy, University College, University of Oxford (October 2011 – October 2012)
Dennis Lehmkuhl (July 2010; AOS: History and Philosophy of Physics): Junior Professor in Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Physics, University of Wuppertal, Germany (ongoing from 2011)
Michail Peramatzis (January 2007; AOS: Ancient Philosophy; Metaphysics): CUF Lectureship and Tutorial Fellowship, Worcester College, University of Oxford.
Martin Pickup (October 2012; AOS: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Religion, Early Modern Philosophy): Junior Research Fellowship, New College, University of Oxford
Andrew Stephenson (May 2013; AOS: Kant): Junior Research Fellowship, Queen's College, University of Oxford
Nathanael Stein (December 2008; AOS: Ancient Philosophy): Tenure-Track post, Florida State University
Gerard Vong (January 2013; AOS: Moral Philosophy): Tenure-Track post, Fordham University
Andrew Bacon (September 2012; AOS: Philosophy of Language; Philosophical Logic): Junior Research Fellowship, Magdalen College, University of Oxford
Daniel Came (November 2006; AOS: Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Philosophy of Religion): College Lecturer in Philosophy (fixed-term), Worcester College, University of Oxford, UK (October 2010 - September 2011)
Natalja Deng (April 2010; AOS: Metaphysics): Postdoctoral Fellowship, Eidos, University of Geneva
Julian Fink (August 2010; AOS: Ethics): Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Vienna
Kentaro Fujimoto (June 2011; AOS: Logic): AHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Oxford
Luke Glynn (October 2009; AOS: Metaphysics; Philosophy of Science): McDonnell Foundation Postdoc, Caltech
Stephen Kearns (June 2007; AOS: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Action): Postdoctoral Fellowship, Florida State University
Eleanor Knox (June 2010; AOS: Philosophy of Physics): Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship, King’s College, London
Maria Lasonen-Aarnio (November 2009; AOS: Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind): Assistant Professor (tenure-track), Department of Philosophy, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (from 2010)
Michail Peramatzis (January 2007; AOS: Ancient Philosophy; Metaphysics): Lectureship, Queen's University, Belfast.
Amber Riaz (August 2010; AOS: Epistemology; Ethics): Assistant Professor, Lahore University of Management Sciences
Amia Srinivasan (January 2014; AOS: Epistemology, Metaphilosophy, Social and Political Philosophy, Feminist Philosophy): Fellowship by Examination at All Souls College, University of Oxford (October 2009 – September 2016)
Nathanael Stein (December 2008; AOS: Ancient Philosophy): Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Western Michigan
Barbara Vetter (November 2010; AOS: Metaphysics): Junior Professor, Humboldt-Universität Berlin
Alastair Wilson (June 2011; AOS: Philosophy of Physics; Metaphysics): Postdoctoral Fellowship, Monash University
Damian Caluori (January 2008; AOS: Ancient Philosophy): Tenure-track post, Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas
Tim Crowley (January 2009; AOS: Ancient Philosophy): Lectureship, University College Dublin
Tom Douglas (October 2010; AOS: Applied and Normative Ethics): Wellcome Trust Research Fellowship, Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, University of Oxford
Luke Glynn (October 2009; AOS: Metaphysics; Philosophy of Science): Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Konstanz
Eleanor Knox (June 2010; AOS: Philosophy of Physics; Philosophy of Science): Chandaria Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Institute of Philosophy, University of London
Gail Leckie (July 2014; AOS: Philosophy of Language): Stipendiary Lecturer in Philosophy, University College, University of Oxford (August 2009 – August 2010)
Dennis Lehmkuhl (July 2010; AOS: History and Philosophy of Physics): 5-Year Assistant Professorship, University of Wuppertal, Germany
Julia Markovits (July 2006; AOS: Ethics): Tenure-track post, MIT
Toby Ord (April 2009; AOS: Normative Ethics; Practical Ethics; Philosophy of Computation): British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship, Balliol College, University of Oxford
Nathanael Stein (December 2008; AOS: Ancient Philosophy): TOPOS Postdoctoral Fellowship, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
David Tester (May 2010; AOS: Ethics, Moral Psychology): Greenwall Postdoctoral Fellow, Georgetown University and Johns Hopkins University
Bruno Whittle (March 2005; AOS: Logic; Philosophy of Language; Philosophy of Mathematics; Metaphysics): Tenure-track post, Yale University
Stephan Blatti (February 2008; AOS: Metaphysics; Philosophy of Mind): Tenure-track post, University of Memphis
Michael Blome-Tillmann (July 2007; AOS: Epistemology, Philosophy of Logic & Language): Tenure-track post, McGill University (commencing 2009)
Anil Gomes (March 2007; AOS: Philosophy of Mind): Lectureship, Birkbeck College, London
Stephen Kearns (June 2007; AOS: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Action): Visiting Assistant Professorship, Cornell University
Thomas Kroedel (May 2007; AOS: Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind): 6-Year Lectureship, University of Konstanz
Maria Lasonen-Aarnio (November 2009; AOS: Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind): Fitzjames Research Fellow in Philosophy, Merton College, University of Oxford (2007-2010)
Rory Madden (July 2008; AOS: Philosophy of Mind, Metaphysics): Lectureship, University College, London
Daniel Morgan (July 2011; AOS: Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind): Junior Research Fellowship, New College, University of Oxford (2008-2012)
Bradley Murray (October 2008; AOS: Aesthetics, Metaphysics): Visiting Assistant Professorship, University of British Columbia
Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson (October 2008; AOS: Formal Philosophy): Postdoctoral Fellowship, Formal Epistemology Project, University of Leuven
Daniel Star (December 2006; AOS: Ethics, Epistemology): Tenure-track post, Boston University
Wylie Breckenridge (June 2007; AOS: Philosophy of Language, Metaphysics, Epistemology): Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship, Cornell University
John Callanan (February 2004; AOS: Kant, Early Modern Philosophy): Senior Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, King's College, London (from September 2007)
Daniel Came (November 2006; AOS: Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Philosophy of Religion): Three-Year Junior Research Fellow, Worcester College, University of Oxford, UK (October 2007 - September 2010)
Timothy Chan (May 2006; AOS: Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Language): Two-Year Lectureship, University of East Anglia
Dorothea Debus (July 2004; AOS: Philosophy of Mind and Psychology): Lectureship, University of York
Antonio Donato (May 2007; AOS: Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy): Tenure-track post, Queens College, CUNY
Owen Greenhall (January 2007; AOS: Philosophy of Language): Postdoctoral Fellowship, CSMN, University of Oslo
Keith Hyams (February 2006; AOS: Political Philosophy): Lectureship, University of Exeter
Leonard Kahn (October 2007; AOS: Ethics, Applied Ethics): Assistant Professor of Philosophy, United States Air Force Academy, Colorado
Stephen Kearns (June 2007; AOS: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Action): Visiting Assistant Professorship, Florida State University
Maria Lasonen-Aarnio (November 2009; AOS: Epistemology): Fitzjames Research Fellowship, Merton College, University of Oxford
Ofra Magidor (June 2007; AOS: Philosophy of Logic and Language): CUF Lectureship and Tutorial Fellowship, Balliol College, University of Oxford
James Morauta (March 2007; AOS: Ethics, Legal Philosophy): Junior Research Fellowship, University College, University of Oxford
Anders Nes (July 2006; AOS: Philosophy of Mind): Career Development Fellowship, Christ Church, University of Oxford
Jeremy Watkins (June 2003; AOS: Ethics, Legal Philosophy): Lectureship, Queen's University, Belfast
Corine Besson (March 2006; AOS: Philosophy of Logic and Language): 4-Year Tutorial Fellowship, St. Hugh's College, University of Oxford.
Stephan Blatti (February 2008; AOS: Metaphysics): Visiting Assistant Professorship, Duke University.
Michael Blome-Tillmann (July 2007; AOS: Epistemology, Philosophy of Logic & Language): Junior Research Fellowship, University College, University of Oxford.
Mario Brandhorst (September 2007; AOS: Ethics): 3-Year post as Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, University of Goettingen.
Daniel Came (November 2006; AOS: Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Philosophy of Religion): Lecturer in Philosophy (Fixed-Term), Birkbeck College, University of London, UK (October 2005 - September 2007).
Gordon Davies (November 2005; AOS: Ethics, Political Philosophy): Tenure-track post, Carleton University, Ottawa.
Oskari Kuusela (May 2003; AOS: Wittgenstein): Lectureship, University of East Anglia.
Gerald Lang (May 1999; AOS: Ethics): Lectureship, University of Leeds.
Matthew Liao (April 2001; AOS: Ethics, Bioethics): Senior Research Fellowship and the Deputy Directorship of the Programme on Ethics of the New Biosciences, University of Oxford (also received tenure-track offers from the Universities of Kansas and South Carolina).
Julia Markovits (July 2006; AOS: Ethics): Fellowship, Harvard Society of Fellows (also received a tenure-track offer from Cornell University).
Michail Peramatzis (January 2007; AOS: Ancient Philosophy) - Junior Research Fellowship at Christ Church, University of Oxford.
Markus Schrenk (January 2006; AOS: Metaphysics and Philosophy of Science): AHRC Research Fellowship, University of Nottingham.
Nico Silins (October 2004; AOS: Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind): Tenure-track post, Cornell University.
Daniel Star (December 2006; AOS: Ethics): Research Fellowship, Australian National University (ANU).
Among the 69 students who completed DPhils between 2000 and 2005, 45 were known to be employed in academic positions at the beginning of the academic year 2005-06 and 2 additional students, who had not yet defended their theses, had already obtained permanent posts.
These positions include:
12 Lectureships (i.e. permanent positions) at the following UK universities: Birmingham, Glasgow, King's College London, Lancaster, Leeds, Manchester, Oxford (2), St. Andrews (2), Sussex, and York;
11 Tenure-track positions in North America at McGill, Notre Dame, Ottawa, Pittsburgh, Princeton, Simon Fraser, Toronto, Tulane, UCLA, U. Mass. Boston, and Vassar;
13 Research Fellowships at Oxford (6), St. Andrews (2), Warwick (2), Oslo, NYU, and Johns Hopkins.