Philosophy of Mathematics Seminar (Monday - Week 6, HT24)
Monday 19 February, 4:30-6:30pm
Online Only
Sharon Berry (Indiana University Bloomington): 'Mathematical access worries and accounting for knowledge of logical coherence'
A range of current truth-value realist philosophies of mathematics allow one to reduce the Benacerraf Problem to a problem concerning mathematicians' ability to recognize which conceptions of pure mathematical structures are coherent – in a sense which can be cashed out in terms of logical possibility. In this paper, I will clarify what it takes to solve this ‘residual’ access problem and then present a framework for solving it.
The meeting will be online only. Those who wish to attend via Zoom, please write to Daniel Isaacson.
Philosophy of Mathematics Seminar Convenors: Daniel Isaacson, Christopher Scambler and James Studd