Philosophy of Physics Seminar (Thursday - Week 3, TT23)

Philosophy of Physics

My talk will give a broad-brush account of the field of quantum gravity, with an emphasis on structural issues. I will sketch motivations, ambitions and challenges of quantum gravity, how we got to where we are, and discuss promising current and future directions, focusing on nonperturbative quantum field-theoretic approaches. I will describe available tools, why it has taken a long time to put gravity on the lattice correctly (`a la CDT), and highlight two prominent nonperturbative results, dimensional reduction at the Planck scale and spacetime emergence. My presentation will be based loosely on "Quantum Gravity in 30 Questions”, arXiv:2206.06762.

With speaker’s consent, talks will be recorded and published on YouTube. Our channel is:

If you wish to join the dinner proceeding the talk, please email Henrique:

Philosophy of Physics Seminar Convenors for HT23: Oliver Pooley, Patrick Duerr and Henrique de Andrade Gomes  | Philosophy of Physics Group Website