Brian Klug

Area of Specialisation:
2022 - present | Hon Fellow in Social Philosophy, Campion Hall, University of Oxford |
2001 - 2022 | Senior Research Fellow in Philosophy, St Benet's Hall, University of Oxford |
1991 - 2005 | Assistant and Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Saint Xavier University, Chicago (1992-1998: Head of Department) |
1980 - 1983 | Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, DePaul University, Chicago |
1992 | PhD, Social Thought, University of Chicago |
1972 | MA, Philosophy, University of London (Bedford College) |
1971 | BA, Philosophy, University of London (UCL) |
Editor, Words of Fire: Selected Essays of Ahad Ha'am (London: Notting Hill Press, 2015) |
'Die Linke und die Juden', in Neuer Antisemitismus?, ed. Christian Heilbronn et al. (Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2019) |
'What Is Antisemitism Like? An Analogical Approach', in The Medieval Roots of Antisemitism, ed Jonathan Adams and Cordelia Hess (New York: Routledge, 2018) |
'A World of Difference', in Do I Belong? Reflections from Europe, ed Antony Lerman (London: Pluto) |
'Speaking of God: Ludwig Wittgenstein and the Paradox of Religious Experience', in Religious Experience Revisited: Expressing the Inexpressible?, ed. Thomas Hardtke et al. (Leiden: Brill, 2016) |
'Implicit Islamophobia?' in Instances of Islamophobia, ed Seyyed-Abdolhamid Mirhosseini and Hossein Rouzbeh (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2015 |
'Moses: The Significant Other', in Dynamics of Difference: Christianity and Alterity, ed Ulrich Schmiedel and James M Matarazzo, Jr (London: Bloomsbury, 2015) |
'Interrogating "new anti-Semitism"', in Racialization and Religion, ed Nasar Meer (London: Routledge, 2014) |
Journal articles
'Beyond Nathan the Wise: Dealing with Difference in the Twenty-first Century', Insikt och Handling, vol 26 (2018) (special issue: What is Left of the Enlightenment?) |
'Zionism, Binationalism, Anti-Semitism: Three Contemporary Jewish Readings of the Balfour Declaration', The Journal of Levantine Studies, vol 8, no 1 (Summer 2018) |
'The Left and the Jews', Jewish Quarterly, no 242 (Autumn 2018) |
'Placing Time: The Diasporic Journey to Beulah', European Judaism, vol 50, no 1 (Spring 2017) |
''To Flee Or Not To Flee: Is That the Question?', International Journal of Public Theology, vol 10 (2016) |
'In the Heat of the Moment: Bringing "Je suis Charlie" into Focus', French Cultural Studies, vol 27, no3 (2016) |
'Fawlty Logic: The Cracks in Cameron's 2011 Munich Speech', Re:Orient: The Journal of Critical Muslim Studies, vol 1, no 1 (Autumn 2015) |
'The Limits of Analogy: Comparing Islamophobia and Antisemitism', Patterns of Prejudice, vol 48, no 5 (December 2014) |
In my work I try to bring tools and methods from academic philosophy to bear upon certain contemporary social and political issues, such as racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia and political belonging, as well as secularism and Jewish identity.
Occasional tutoring, especially in Ancient Philosophy (Plato) and Early Modern Philosophy, plus tailored tutorial courses for visiting students on a variety of subjects.