P J E Kail

Scholar in Residence, the Newberry Library, Chicago (2004-2005) and (2009-2010) |
Lecturer in Philosophy, Edinburgh University (2001-2005) |
Junior Research Fellow, St. Edmund’s College, Cambridge |
British Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Faculty of Philosophy, Cambridge |
M.Phil. Ph.D. Clare College, Cambridge |
University of Keele, Ba. (Hons.) Classics and Philosophy |
- Berkeley’s Principles of Human Knowledge Key Texts in the History of Modern Philosophy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) forthcoming 2014
- Projection and Realism in Hume’s Philosophy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007)
Edited books
- Nietzsche on Mind and Nature (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2014) co-editor with Manuel Dries.
- Impressions of Hume (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007, with Marina Frasca-Spada)
Edited Edition (under contract)
David Hume An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding for WW Norton
Articles in Referred Journals
- ‘Precis of Projection and Realism’ pp.61-65 and ‘Response to my Critics’, Hume Studies, 36, 2010, pp.97-107 (part of a published symposium on my book)
- ‘Hume’s Naturalistic Critique of Religion’ in Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 72, 2010, pp.481-495
- ‘Hume, Realism and Quasi-Realism’ in Recherches sur la Philosophie et le Langage, 26, 2009, pp.117-133
- ‘Nietzsche and Hume: Naturalism and Explanation’ in Journal of Nietzsche Studies, 37, 2009, pp.5-22 (translated into Portuguese for Cadernos Nietzsche Special edition on naturalism (2011)
- ‘Nietzsche, Naturalism and Genealogy’, European Journal of Philosophy, 17, 2009, pp.113-120
- ‘Hume, Malebranche and Rationalism’, Philosophy, 68, 2009, 311-332
- ‘On Hume’s Appropriation of Malebranche’ European Journal of Philosophy, 16. 2008, pp.55.80
- ‘Berkeley, the Ends of Language and the Principles of Human Knowledge’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, CVIII, part 3, 2007, pp.265-278
- ‘Understanding Hume’s Natural History of Religion’, Philosophical Quarterly, 57, 2007, pp.190-211
- ‘Hume’s Natural History of Perception’, British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 13, 2005, pp.503-519
- ‘Conceivability and Modality in Hume’, Hume Studies 11, 2003, 43-61.
- ‘Hutcheson’s Moral Sense: Realism, Skepticism, and Secondary Qualities’, History of Philosophy Quarterly, 18, 2001, pp.57-77
- ‘Projection and Necessity in Hume’, European Journal of Philosophy, 9, 2001, pp.4-54
- ‘Normativity and Function in Hutcheson’s Aesthetic Epistemology’, British Journal for Aesthetics, 40, 2000
Book Chapters/Articles in Collections
- ‘Hume on Efficient Causation’ in Schmaltz (ed.) Efficient Causation Oxford Philosophical Concepts (Oxford: Oxford University Press) forthcoming
- ‘Nietzsche’s Explanatory Naturalism’ in Kail and Dries (eds.) Nietzsche on Mind and Nature (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming)
- ‘Shaftesbury, Hutcheson and Moral Scepticisms’ in Charles and Smith (eds.) Scepticism and the Enlightenment Springer
- ‘”Concerning Moral Sentiment”: The moral sense in the second Enquiry’ in Taylor (ed.) Reading Hume on the Principles of Morals (Oxford: Oxford University Press) forthcoming
- ‘Hume and Nietzsche’ in Russell (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of David Hume (Oxford: Oxford University Press) forthcoming
- 'Causation’ in Garrett (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Eighteenth Century Philosophy forthcoming
- ‘Moral Epistemology’ in Harris (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of British Philosophy in the Eighteenth Centuryforthcoming
- ‘The Sceptical Beast of the Beastly Sceptic’ in Sandis (ed.) Human Nature Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2012)
- ‘Locke, Berkeley, Hume’ in Hetherington (ed) Epistemology: The Key Thinkers (London: Continuum) 2012
- ‘Genealogy and the Genealogy’ in May (ed.) Nietzsche’s On the Genealogy of Morality: A Critical Guide(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011)
- ‘Virtue and vice’ in Clarke & Wilson (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Seventeenth Century Philosophy(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011)
- ‘Causation and Non-Cognitivism: Berkeley and Hume’ in Parigi (ed.) George Berkeley, Religion and Science in the Age of Enlightenment (Springer, 2011)
- 'Hume, Value and Experience’ in Notizie di Politeia special edition on Utilitarianism, ed. Lecaldano and Pellegrino 90 (2008)
- ‘How to Understand Hume’s Realism’ in Richman & Read (eds.) The New Hume Debate 2nd ed., Routledge, 2008
- ‘Is Hume a Realist or an Anti-Realist’ in Radcliffe (ed.) The Blackwell Companion to Hume, Blackwell, 2008
- ‘Leibniz’s Dog and Humean Reason’ in Mazza and Ronchetti (eds.) New Essays on David Hume Rome: Franco Angeli, 2007,
- ‘A Treatise of Human Nature’ in Shand (ed.) The Central Works of Philosophy London: Acumen Press, 2005, 167-192
- ‘Hume’s Ethical Conclusion’ in Frasca-Spada & Kail (eds.) Impressions of Hume, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005
- ‘Newton’ in Nadler (ed.) The Blackwell Companion to Early Modern Philosophy, Oxford: Blackwell, 2002
Times Literary Supplement “Restless, Unquiet Reason – Hume at 300” Commentary essay, 21st October 2012
Review Article
‘Was Hume a Causal Realist?’, British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 11, 2003, 509-520
Reference Works
‘Empiricism’ and ‘Causation’ in The Thommes Encyclopaedia of British Philosophy Thommes Press, 2007
‘Caroline Herschel’, ‘John Dalrymple’, ‘James Burnett’, ‘Joseph Raphson’, ‘William Coward’ and ‘Edward Synge’ in The Thoemmes Dictionary of Eighteenth Century British Philosophers, Thoemmes Press (1999)
H Beebee Hume on Causation in Mind 2008
A Coventry, Hume on Causation: A Quasi-Realist Interpretation in Hume Studies 2007
J Harris Of Liberty and Necessity in Philosophical Quarterly, July 2007
Sorrell and Rogers (eds.) Analytic Philosophy and the History of Philosophy in Mind April 2007
J Fodor, Hume Variations in The British Journal for the History of Philosophy January 2005
Cohen and Smith (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Newton in The British Journal for the History of Philosophy June 2003
S Buckle, Hume’s Enlightenment Tract in European Journal of Philosophy December 2003
P Millican (ed.), Reading Hume on Human Understanding in Mind December 2003
J Herdt, Religion and Faction in Hume’s Moral Philosophy in Mind April 2002
H Noonan, Hume on Knowledge in Mind October 2001
H Mounce, Hume’s Naturalism in The British Journal for the History of Philosophy March 2001
H Noonan, Hume on Knowledge in The Times Literary Supplement (in brief) 25th November 1999
Van der Zande and Popkin (eds.), The Skeptical Tradition Around 1800: Skepticism in Philosophy, Science, and Society in The British Journal for the History of Philosophy March 1999
J Levinson (ed.), Aesthetics and Ethics in The Art Newspaper January 1999
N Wolterstorff, John Locke and the Ethics of Belief in Mind October 1998
J Annas and J Barnes (ed), Sextus Empiricus: Outlines of Scepticism in The British Journal for the History of Philosophy March 1997
Magazine Articles
‘History is back in the past’ The Philosophers’ Magazine 39, 2007
‘Hume’s Living Legacy’, The Philosophers’ Magazine 54, 2011
Hume’s Legacy on Uchicago Elucidations (http://philosophy.uchicago.edu/podcasts/elucidations.html#29)
Hume and the Genealogy of Morality from Rethinking the Genealogy of Morals
Hume (Open University iTunes)