Stephen Mulhall

2008 | Awarded title of ‘Professor of Philosophy’. |
1998 | Appointed Fellow and Tutor in Philosophy, New College, Oxford. |
1991 | Appointed Reader in Philosophy, University of Essex. |
1986 | Elected Prize Fellow, All Souls College, Oxford. |
1998 | D.Phil in Philosophy, Balliol College/All Souls College, Oxford. |
1984 | MA in Philosophy University of Toronto. |
1983 | Congratulatory First Class BA Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, Balliol College, Oxford). |
2022 - In Other Words: Transpositions of Philosophy in J.M.Coetzee's 'Jesus' Trilogy (Oxford University Press)
2021 - The Ascetic Ideal: Genealogies of Life-Denial in Religion, Morality, Art, Science, and Philosophy (Oxford University Press)
2016 - On Film: Third Edition (Routledge)
2015 - The Great Riddle: Wittgenstein and Nonsense, Theology and Philosophy (Oxford University Press)
2013 - The Self and its Shadows: A Book of Essays on Individuality as Negation in Philosophy and the Arts (Oxford University Press)
2022 - 'Transubstantiation and the Eucharist: Herbert McCabe vs G.Egner' in New Blackfriars Vol 103, No. 1104
2022 - 'The Riddle of Irony' in Carlisle and Shakespeare (eds), Kierkegaardian Essays: A Festschrift in honour of George Pattison ( de Gruyter)
2021 - ‘Moralism, Moral Individualism and Testimony’ in Balaska (ed), 'Cora Diamond on Ethics' (Palgrave Macmillan)
2021 - 'The Screen as Barrier and Support: Monitoring, Projectdion and Perfectionism in Brad Bird's Tomorrowland' in Breeze (ed), Forms of the Cinematic (Bloomsbury)
2020 - ‘The Idea of Ethical Vulnerability: Perfectionism, Irony and the Theological Virtues’ – in Angelaki 25:1-2 (Feb-April 2020)
2019 - ‘Filosofia, Autobiografia, e o Ideal Ascetico’ – in Ferraro, Faustino, Ryan (eds), Rostos Do Si: Autobiografia, Confissao, Terapia (Lisboa: Livros Vendaval)
2019 - ‘On Nietzsche’s Legacy’ – in T. Stern (ed), The New Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
2019 - ‘Two Shoes And A Fountain: Ecstasis, Mimesis and Engrossment in Heidegger’s The Origin of the Work of Art’ – in Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society
2019 - ‘Martin Scorsese’s Screening Room: Theatricality, Psychoanalysis and Modernity in Shutter Island’ – in C.B. Barnett and C.J.Elliston (eds), Martin Scorsese and Religion (Leiden: Brill)
2019 - ‘The Alphabet of Us: Miracles, Messianism and the Baseline Test in Blade Runner 2049’ in Shanahan and Smart (eds), Blade Runner 2049: A Philosophical Exploration (Routledge: London)
2019 - ‘Phenomenology and Ordinary Language Philosophy’ in Becker and Thomson (eds), The Cambridge History of Philosophy 1945-2015 (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge)
2018 - ‘Riddles, Nonsense and Religious Language’, in Burley (ed), Wittgenstein, Religion and Ethics: New Perspectives from Philosophy and Theology (Bloomsbury: London)
2018 - ‘Deep Relationality and the Hinge-Like Structure of History: Michael Fried’s Photographs’, in Abbott (ed), Michael Fried and Philosophy: Modernism, Intention and Theatricality (Routledge: Oxford)
2018 - ‘The Well is Not the World: William Golding’s Sense of Reality in Darkness Visible’, in Falcato and Cardiello (eds), Philosophy in the Condition of Modernism (Palgrave Macmillan: London)
- Wittgenstein
- Post-Kantian Continental European philosophical traditions and authors, especially Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger and Sartre;
- Aesthetics (especially film and literature), and the relation between philosophy and the arts more generally;
- Philosophy of Religion, and the relation between philosophy and theology.
As a tutorial fellow, I teach and lecture to undergraduates for our papers in Moral Philosophy, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Religion, Post-Kantian Philosophy, and (occasionally) Kant. At graduate level, I have recently taught classes on Heidegger, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Philosophy and Literature, and Philosophy and Film.