Natalia Waights Hickman

Natalia Hickman 200 x 240
2019- Associate Professor of Philosophy and Tutorial Fellow, Worcester College, Oxford.
2017-2019  Junior Research Fellow, The Queen’s College, Oxford.
2016-2017  Researcher in Philosophy, Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature (CSMN), Oslo.
2016- Affiliated Researcher, ConceptLab, University of Oslo.
2012-2016     DPhil in Philosophy, University of Oxford.
2010-2012  MA in Philosophy, University of Reading.
2006-2009  BA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, Brasenose College, Oxford.







'(Implicit) Knowledge, Reasons and Semantic Understanding' Mind and Language, (2020).
‘Knowing in the “executive way”: knowing how, rules, methods, principles and criteria’ Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, (2018). doi:10.1111/phpr.12488
‘A Rylean Intellectualism: Abandoning the Dualism of Theory and Practice.’ Moyal-Sharrock, Munz, and Coliva (eds.) Mind, Language and Action: Proceedings of the 36th International Wittgenstein Symposium (Gruyter, 2015).
‘Is it intelligible that an organism without pain-behaviour might feel pain?’ Journal of Consciousness Studies, vol. 18 (9-10), (2011).





My work falls mainly within contemporary philosophy of language, epistemology and philosophy of action. Most of my research relates either to linguistic (especially semantic) knowledge or to practical knowledge and skill, and sometimes to connections between these. More broadly, my work engages with theories of normativity in relation to skill, factual knowledge, thought and reasoning, and linguistic communication. I also have a general interest in the work of Gilbert Ryle, especially his relatively neglected work on thinking and improvisation.


I teach the FHS papers in Knowledge and Reality, Philosophy of Logic and Language, Wittgenstein, Philosophy of Mind, Feminist Theory and Ethics; for Prelims/Mods I cover Logic and General Philosophy. I am happy to supervise BPhil students in philosophy of language/pragmatics, epistemology and philosophy of action, and the philosophy of Ryle and Wittgenstein.