Vincent Conitzer

conitzer vince photo
2015 - Kimberly J. Jenkins Distinguished University Professor of New Technologies, Duke University
2015 - Professor of Philosophy, Duke University 
2011 - Professor of Computer Science, Duke University 
2011 - Professor of Economics, Duke University
2006 - 2011 Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Duke University 
2006 - 2011 Assistant  - Professor of Economics, Duke University 
2006 Ph.D. in Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
2003 M.S. in Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University 
2001 A.B. in Applied Mathematics, Harvard University 


    Philosophy publications 

Forthcoming Vincent Conitzer. The Personalized A-Theory of Time and Perspective. Dialectica, forthcoming. 

Caspar Oesterheld and Vincent Conitzer. Extracting Money from Causal Decision Theorists. The Philosophical Quarterly, 2021.


Vincent Conitzer. A Puzzle about Further Facts. Erkenntnis, June 2019, Volume 84, Issue 3, pp. 727-739.


Vincent Conitzer. Designing Preferences, Beliefs, and Identities for Artificial Intelligence. In Proceedings of the Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-19), pp. 9755-9759.  


Vincent Conitzer. The AI debate must stay grounded in reality. Prospect (in association with the British Academy), March 6, 2017.

2016 Vincent Conitzer. Artificial intelligence: where's the philosophical scrutiny? Prospect, May 4, 2016.
2016 Vincent Conitzer. On Stackelberg Mixed Strategies. Synthese (special issue on Logic and the Foundations of Decision and Game Theory), March 2016, Volume 193, Issue 3, pp. 689-703.
2015 Vincent Conitzer. Can rational choice guide us to correct de se beliefs? Synthese, December 2015, Volume 192, Issue 12, pp. 4107-4119.
2015 Vincent Conitzer. A Dutch Book against Sleeping Beauties Who Are Evidential Decision Theorists. Synthese, Volume 192, Issue 9, pp. 2887-2899, October 2015.
2015 Vincent Conitzer. A Devastating Example for the Halfer Rule. Philosophical Studies, Volume 172, Issue 8, pp, 1985-1992, August 2015.


Full list of publications available on my website

I am primarily known for my work in artificial intelligence (AI), especially its intersection with game theory, social choice theory, and mechanism design. I work on the problem of automated moral decision making, and am broadly interested in ethical, societal, and policy aspects of AI. I also work on foundational questions of how we should think about AI "agents" and this connects to formal epistemology - especially problems such as the Sleeping Beauty problem - and in turn to philosophy of mind and metaphysics (why *this* experience?).