SATURDAY 11th November
9-9.30 Breakfast and registration
9.30-10.25 Joel Joseph (St Andrews) 'Eliminative Harming Without Intentions'
Response: Jeff McMahan
10.30-11.20 Adrian W. Moore (Co-Editor of Mind) Publishing Workshop
15 mins tea and coffee break
11.35-12.45 Julia Driver (UT Austin / St Andrews) 'It's Understandable'
12.45-13.45 Lunch
13.45-14.40 Subin Park (UC San Diego) 'Can Crafts Be Misused? Craft in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics'
Response: Karen Margrethe Nielsen
14.45-15.40 Emma Emrich (Fordham University) 'Teleological Unity Among Plurality: Richard of Mediavilla and the Plurality of Substantial Form Debate'
Response: Cecilia Trifogli
15 mins tea and coffee break
15.55-16.50 Christabel Cane (UCL) 'The Problems of Temporarily Held Properties'
Response: Nick Jones
16.55-17.50 Frederik J. Andersen (St Andrews) 'Countering Justification Holism in the Epistemology of Logic: The Argument from Pre-Theoretic Universality'
Response: Timothy Williamson
15 mins tea and coffee break
18.05-19.15 Crispin Wright (Stirling) 'The Sceptic and the dogmatist (small 'd')'
19.40-22.00 Dinner